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Professional Liability (Errors & Omissions) Insurance

E&O Insurance

Training and Educating Agents for over 125 Years (5).jpg

Let Us Advocate for You!

  • Successfully serving Virginia insurance agents for over 50 years
  • Exclusive Carrier Relationships
  • Multiple E&O Carrier Options (Admitted and Non-Admitted)
  • Risk Management & Additional Services
  • Local support from experienced insurance team

LEARN MORE (6).pngAs an insurance agent, you know the importance of having the right coverage.

IIAV, through its subsidiary VFSC, has been providing Agency E&O coverage in Virginia for over 50 years with strategic carrier partnerships specifically designed with the needs of Virginia agents in mind.  This means, you have options.  Exclusive access to carriers like Swiss Re Corporate Solutions and Allianz gives us a competitive edge.  Additional access to other markets, both Admitted and Non-Admitted, allows us the freedom to advocate for you with a variety of carriers and to customize coverages as necessary.

As an agency leader, you want the most comprehensive and reliable errors and omissions (E&O) coverage to protect your livelihood and your future.  With VFSC’s variety of professional liability markets, you’ll have top-quality coverage, competitive pricing, and local support from our experienced staff.  We don’t want to just sell you a policy – we work on your behalf to provide the resources and support you expect and deserve.

Contact VFSC

804-747-9300 | 800-288-4428

Or a member of our insurance department:
Loving_Linda.jpgLisa Harmon, CIC, CPIA
804-747-9420 X 123   


DeCola, Melanie.jpgMelanie DeCola
804-747-9300 X 110


DeCola, Melanie.jpgKim Brown, CPCU, AAI, AINS
804-747-9300 X 104


Swiss Re Solutions.jpgCoverage Highlights and Benefits: Swiss Re Corporate Solutions

For more than 35 years, the Big “I” Professional Liability Program underwritten by Swiss Re Corporate Solutions America Insurance Corporation (rated A+ Superior by AM Best), has been the premier choice of IIABA member agents for insurance agents and brokers E&O insurance.

The Big “I” Professional Liability Program offers not just a policy, but a comprehensive program for insurance agents. With the participation of Big “I” members from 50 states and the District of Columbia, we've grown into the largest and most stable insurance agents E&O program in the nation.

Coverage For Every Agency

Coverage is accessed through dedicated, licensed E&O Program Managers located at our 51 state associations. Let us find an E&O program that fits your agency!  
Contact Virginia's E&O program manager, Lisa Harmon, to learn more. 

We cover one person... or an Alliance Group.

Your agency E&O coverage needs to match your type of operation. Swiss Re Corporate Solutions and the Big "I" have a program that will fit!

Are you a staff of 1? Or 100?

Our Big "I" endorsed E&O program offers broad protection from "one-person" shops up to those with over 100 staff. We are stable, established, competitive, and have the top claims team available.

Part of an Alliance/Cluster Group?

Our program offers:

+ Construction that allows for group pricing and underwriting, yet provides each affiliated agency certificate holder the ability to choose individual limits and deductibles (no sharing of limits).

+ Uniformity of coverage. The master agency and each affiliated agency is covered by broad coverage form, underwritten by a long-standing E&O carrier with unmatched credentials.

+ All parties are represented by claim counsel with long-standing experience in handling E&O claims. No finger-pointing at claim time or arguments among carriers about circumstances or which policy should pay.

Participation in the Big “I" Professional Liability program is an exclusive Big "I" member benefit.  Learn how to join the IIAV today!

Review our policy form and you will see these are just a few of the coverage benefits of the Swiss Re policy:

  • Coverage for the sale of both Property/Casualty and Life and Health insurance products
  • Limits of liability up to $30 million
  • Broad definition of covered professional services and activities
  • Comprehensive definition of who is an insured
  • Aggregate deductibles
  • Defense cost outside the limits
  • Available first dollar defense
  • Full prior acts available
  • No contractual liability exclusion
  • Coverage for punitive damages (where available by state)
  • Multiple extended reporting period options
  • True worldwide protection
  • Coverage for advertising, libel and slander
  • Catastrophe Expense $25,000 per policy period
  • Subpoena Coverage $10,000 per policy period
  • 1st Party Personal Data Breach (cyber) $25,000 per policy period
  • 3rd Party Personal Data Breach (cyber) $1,000,000 sublimit
  • Deductible reduction up to $12,500 per claim for risk management activities

Coverage Benefits:

The only P/C insurance agents and brokers E&O program in the marketplace that contributes a percentage of every premium dollar to the funding of important advocacy efforts of the IIABA.

  • State associations that serve to assist you should a claim arise.
  • An exclusive policy form and premium credits filed on a Risk Purchasing Group basis to give Big "I" members coverage tailored to their needs.
  • Competitive pricing supported by a critical mass of premium volume to maintain rate stability.
  • A partner in Swiss Re Corporate Solutions, a member of the Swiss Re Group, rated A+ Superior by A.M. Best.
  • Loss prevention materials to reduce the chance of a claim and improve business processes.
  • An exclusive comprehensive risk management website including practical information and tools to help your agency avoid
  • E&O Risk Management Web site.
  • E&O Claims Advisor a periodic E&O risk management newsletter available only to Swiss Re policyholders, providing valuable information to all positions in the agency.
  • A Professional Liability Committee comprised of IIABA member agents to oversee and recommend enhancements to the program to meet the ever-changing needs of agents.  

Helpful links: 

Click here for a sample policy form SP45840510.

Swiss Re Corporate Solutions America Insurance Corporation E& O Application - VA 

Swiss Re Solutions.jpg

Coverage Highlights and Benefits: Allianz

With more than 25 years of experience, Allianz is an industry leader in providing E&O liability coverage for agents and brokers - one of the biggest issues they face in an increasingly complex world. The company is one of the largest writers of agents E&O coverage in the country.

  • Rated A+ by A.M. Best
  • State of the art coverage form, exclusive to Big "I" members
  • Claims made coverage with full prior acts
  • Coverage for sale of both Property/Casualty and Life/Health insurance products
  • Insolvency coverage for all carriers with B+ or better A.M. Best rating
  • Limits of Liability up to $10 million
  • Broad coverage tailored to insurance agencies
  • Broad definition of who is an insured, including spousal liability
  • Aggregate deductibles
  • Defense costs outside the limits
  • $50,000 first party personal data compromise breach response for the accidental loss of client data, with optional higher limits available
  • 80/20 Consent to settle clause
  • Full prior acts available
  • Deductible waived if insured is claims free with Allianz for five or more years
  • $10,000/$30,000 Per catastrophe/per policy period claims extra expense
  • $35,000 Regulatory investigation defense expense coverage per policy period
  • True worldwide coverage
  • 10% Premium credit for three years for attending an approved loss control class

Links & Downloads

Allianz Application

Click here to view a sample policy form.

In addition to our Westport and Allianz programs, VFSC has access to many other financially strong carriers both Admitted and Non-Admitted. These carriers write many insurance agencies who may be ineligible for placement in Westport or Allianz or want to look at additional options outside of these programs.